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Going abroad is essential
for a great education!

Start preparing yourself for a career
in the new global economy.

Start preparing yourself right now by developing your international skills, expanding your cross-cultural knowledge and going abroad while you’re still in school. It’s proven that students who graduate with global competencies have better job prospects and greater career success, so dive into the links below and start building your future!. 

Stories from Abroad

Want to know how it's done? Look no further! With Stories from Abroad, you can get inspired by real students who have had successful volunteer, intern, study and work abroad experiences. This is your portal to first-hand accounts of exciting, career-building adventures abroad. Get started with your peer-to-peer go abroad learning now!


Quick Guides

Do you need quick and easy advice about how to build your global career skills? These eight comprehensive guides provide you with important career advice in terms of international skills,acquiring international experience, and international job hunting. Guides are available in English, French and Spanish. 


International Quizzes

Are you prepared for an international adventure? Planning your time abroad is tremendously exciting -- but it's also a good idea to be mentally prepared and to learn from those who have traveled before you. Use these quizzes to assess yourself honestly and find out which skill areas you still need to build in order to make the most of your travels and future global career prospects.

Helpful Notes

For Students

  • These materials are packed with critical information about building international competency and succeeding abroad.
  • Discuss and share the content of these materials with school advisors, fellow students and your parents.

For Schools

  • Share this page with students on your school website, post a link on social media or fire off an email blast. The more you link, the more students will click.
  • Sample link wording: To link to this page, see sample link wording here (go to Helpful Notes, in the right-hand column).
  • Reproduction rights and other details: Schools have our permission to share these training materials with students. For more details, see the bottom half of this page.

Celebrating Generation Study Abroad


, is a Commitment Partner of IIE's Generation Study Abroad and a proud supporter of the over 400 universities dedicated to doubling the number of students studying abroad by the year 2020. To celebrate this campaign, MyWorldAbroad is providing schools worldwide with free instant access (see Student Landing Page) to a core set of our most popular training materials including: eight Quick Guides on building global skills, seven International Quizzes to assess study abroad preparedness and 90+ inspirational Stories from Abroad. Schools can link to these materials (see instructions) and use them in student advising and workshops with a focus on integrating career success into the student’s study abroad experience.

About MyWorldAbroad

MyWorldAbroad is a trusted resource for students and leading universities in the US and Canada. For over two decades, we’ve been helping students and young professionals develop global career skills and find international work, both at home and abroad. With 300+ expert articles, 4,000+ resources and numerous online tools, this site covers everything from cross-cultural skill-building and go abroad basics to the international job hunt and popular international professions. Students can purchase individual access and schools can view our Product Description. See also, MyWorldAbroad Talking Points.